* Martin Isaksson
* AI Researcher
* blog.martisak.se
Martin Isaksson - headshot

Hello! 👋I'm Martin

A short summary

I am an experienced Artificial Intelligence researcher and data wrangler with a unique combination of domain-knowledge and Machine Learning competence. Currently I am an Industrial PhD student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, RISE SICS, and a Senior Researcher at Ericsson Research. My research interest includes collaborative machine learning and deployment and automation of Artificial Intelligence functions in Radio Access Network environments.

My special interest areas are big and messy datasets, reproducible research, and network troubleshooting using statistical and machine learning methods.

Learning things is what drives me — I believe that there is always room for improvement, especially with regards to my own abilities, and I constantly seek to sharpen my skills.

I believe in doing and being able to do the right thing™, in killing snakes and in beauty in simplicity.



List of skills

Data science

I am an industrial PhD student in Machine Learning. I care about things like statistical significance and reproducibility. I like to draw stuff, make pretty plots and mess with colors and line widths. Data is no good without visualization.


I have experience as a programmer, with a skills in rapid prototyping and data analysis. By the way, this resumé is built using Next.js, TailwindCSS and written in Typescript.


Over 15 years of expertise in mobile network system design, end-to-end troubleshooting, and implementing AI solutions for mobile telecommunications networks.


I can sometimes be seen with an old Canon F‑1 over my shoulder or wielding a Hasselblad 500CM, but I am no stranger to digital cameras and know my way around Photoshop.


Hire me and I'll show you how long the list of skills really is.


Online Presence


Interested in working with me? Reach out to me on LinkedIn.